Friday, March 21, 2014

Eureka! We Found the One.

   I got the results back from the doctor for all the tests, and now I just have to wait to go to the follow-up appointment this next week. The hubby and I had decided originally to use Cryogenic Laboratories, which is a sister to the Fairfax Cryobank. We used the photo matching service to find a donor that looks similar to the hubby, and I have to say I'm slightly disappointed. They ended up finding all of or matches through Fairfax Cryobank which seems to charge about $100-$200 more per vial than the Cryogenic Laboratories. On the plus side, there was a donor there that both the hubby and I really liked, so we've decided to go with him. The only downside is that he's an anonymous donor.

  I've been doing a little bit of research on this, and I was really hoping to use an open ID donor so that when our hopefully soon-to-be child is 18 they could contact the donor if they really wanted to. I've read so many horror stories from "cryokids" of anonymous donors. So many of them seem to just hate life in general and seem to be really angry about their parents choosing to use an anonymous donor. Of course, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I'm sure that there are plenty of stories out there where the kids are well adjusted and are perfectly happy. I'm also sure that those wouldn't catch as much attention as the angry and dramatic ones. I know that even if our child is well-adjusted and happy, part of them will probably always be a little curious about their other biological half. I suppose at that point if they wish to find their biological other half, then we can help them to do that. We just won't know what kind of person our kid will be. Perhaps a person can never fully appreciate the decision to use a sperm or egg donor until they are in a position where they want to be a parent and can't due to one thing or another. 

   In the meantime, I have my plate quite full. I'm getting everything ready to go to a University next fall, trying to keep my grades up in my current classes so I can get my associates degree at the end of this semester, working part time in a increasingly drama filled workplace, taking care of a house and dogs full time, two wonderful step daughters part time, and just trying to enjoy life a little in between. 

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