Thursday, May 8, 2014

Second Two Week Wait

  I haven't updated much due to being so busy with school and work, but the first procedure turned out to be a dud. I got the second procedure done last Friday, so I'm now on day 6 of the second two week wait. I'm really hoping this one will be the one to work. Last time I only had one mature follicle. This time I had three. After they complete the procedure, I'm told to lay on the table with my knees up for about 15 minutes. I couldn't help but give both the eggs and the sperm a pep talk. This all seems so strange still.

  I started watching Baby Mama yesterday. That film with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. I only got about halfway through because I needed to start making dinner, but I couldn't help but think, "What if my uterus is the wrong shape?!" I know, it's silly. I'm actually glad that I have finals next week. It helps me keep my mind busy. I guess the only bad part is that I'm actually worried that I may actually fail my Precalc final. I've never failed a final exam before. Eeek! This will be a study study study weekend.

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